Imagine you have an invention, and you think this invention could possibly be of great value to our society. Taking the step towards bringing your research to the market would then make perfect sense. However, you rightly wonder whether your invention is unique, if there is a need for it and whether it does indeed have business potential.
Besides that, you might not know where to start and you might wonder what it takes to market your research. We completely understand this and that is why we advise researchers to contact us at an early stage so we can help you to find answers to these questions.
At Business Generator Groningen, we have over fifteen years of experience in supporting entrepreneurial researchers to market their research. This process always starts with an intake meeting which is basically a brainstorm session to discuss the market opportunities of your research.
Regarding your invention, we look at the inventiveness, at a possible ‘long felt need’ and at the business potential of your idea. During our first meeting we also introduce you to the potential valorisation process for your invention. The outcome of this meeting is different every time and although you will not have all the answers to your questions at the end of our meeting, you will have an idea of all the opportunities and of the potential subsequent steps involved.
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