There are costs involved when marketing your research. In order to finance this process, you must look for investors. People who believe in you and your start-up and who are driven to help you develop and promote your research. The stage of your start-up, your need for financing, the time to market and the risks involved determine the kind of investors you should be looking for. It can also be a good idea to investigate (semi) public funding like grants for instance or government funding.
Finding the right financing structure for your start-up needs preparation and takes time. It is important to be ‘investor-ready’ before you approach an investor. Partners like VentureLab, FLINC (part of the NOM) and, offer so-called ‘Investor Readiness Programs’ that will help you to get ready in no-time and these programs will considerably enhance your chances regarding successfully financing your research. Our Business Developers are ready to advise you on the best strategy and to get you in touch with the right investors. Below, you will find a list of investors we work with. BBENG, EnableMi and EmpowerMI can tell you more about the possibilities for (semi) public funding.