
Upcoming funding opportunity: Biotech Booster

In anticipation of the approval of a second funding round by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), Biotech Booster is preparing new projects for submission. The second funding round is expected to open around March 2025. Researchers are invited to register before 15 January. 

Biotech Booster is a National Growth Fund programme designed to accelerate the commercialization of biotechnology findings in the Netherlands. The programme offers financial support, mentorship, and networking opportunities, to guide founders from the idea stage to the development of an investable commercial proposition. That makes Biotech Booster an excellent opportunity for scientists and entrepreneurs in the biotech sector to valorize their ideas and grow a successful business.

Apply for levels 1 and 2

Project teams can apply for level 1, the Proof-of-Principle stage, or level 2, the Proof-of-Concept stage. 

At level 1, five Thematic Clusters (TCs), together encompassing the whole biotech spectrum, facilitate collaboration, connect people, and provide financial support to early ideas to develop a proof of principle.

At level 2, projects are developed and supported by a panel of seasoned entrepreneurs to make them grow into robust and investable proposals and create a proof of concept. 

Successful first funding round for Groningen

In the first round, four projects from Groningen – ModAlgae B.V., Osteoglycin, ProliSpot, and BiloMedics – were approved. The projects received a €200,000 grant each from the Biotech Booster programme and will have two years to realize their plans. 

Interested in this upcoming funding opportunity?

UG and UMCG researchers who are interested in the upcoming funding opportunity are invited to contact us and need to register before 15 January

Red biotech: Jasper Dijkstra /

White and green biotech: Ronja Wabeke /

About Biotech Booster:

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