
Increasing number of funding opportunities for valorization

An increasing number of funding opportunities are becoming available for valorization. This is good news for researchers who want to translate their research results into a product or service through collaboration with the industry or by setting up a start-up.

The national and international funding opportunities can roughly be divided into grants, subsidies, loans, and programmes and they vary in scope and size.


In addition to well-known grants, such as the NWO Take-off and the NWO Demonstrator, which Jan Freark de Boer (UMCG) recently received for his counterintuitive treatment for cholestatic liver disease, the Dutch Research Council (NWO) is also experimenting with the relatively new NWO Impact Explorer. This grant is intended for researchers who, in the process of doing their research, make serendipitous discoveries that are not necessarily relevant to the original research but which they would still like to develop further. Prof. Geert van den Bogaart received this grant earlier this year for his research into a sensitive test to detect very small amounts of dividing cancer cells in the blood. This grant is capped at €30,000.

The various ERC grants however, provide funding for pioneering European research up to three to four million. This year, Martin de Borst, Professor of Nephrology at the UMCG, received an ERC Consolidator Grant for his research on a new AI-based test for timely detection of kidney damage.

Regional subsidies

At regional level, subsidies such as the MIT Feasibility Study (MIT Haalbaarheidsstudie) and the Medium and Small Valorization subsidies (€350,000 to 800,000 and €100,000 to 350,000, respectively) are offered by SNN. Both of these are open for applications until the end of this year.

Investors / launch Future Tech Ventures

Recently, the launch of Future Tech Ventures took place, which is an initiative of NOM, Triade, as well as UG Ventures and Investeringsfonds Groningen (Groningen Investment Fund). The fund supports early stage, high-tech startups in the Northern Netherlands by providing accessible funding, along with relevant services and networks, to drive technological, societal and economic impact.

Programmes to promote entrepreneurship among academics

Programmes to promote entrepreneurship among academics are relatively new, such as the Faculty of Impact, a two-year fellowship that provides researchers with the financial freedom to focus entirely on taking their invention to market. The 2024 round has just closed, but in 2025 researchers focusing on security (on and offline) and the energy transition can apply again.

Those looking for an opportunity closer to home can also join the VentureLab’s Business Development Programme, a four-month or one-year programme designed to train your entrepreneurial skills.

National Growth Fund programme Biotech Booster

The National Growth Fund programme to accelerate bringing biotechnological inventions to market and society, Biotech Booster, should not be forgotten either. The first three Groningen projects were granted at the end of September. Researchers who are interested in Biotech Booster should contact Jasper Dijkstra or Ronja Wabeke, who both work as business developer for the Biotech Booster programme.

Overview of funding opportunities for valorization

There are numerous possibilities, so to make life a bit easier for you, we have listed the most important grants, subsidies, loans, and programmes in the valorization funding overview. We are happy to help you find out which one suits you best. Contact one of our business developers, or the Faculty Funding Officers and be sure to do so in good time.

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